A Ross Alley sidewalk plaque in San Francisco's Chinatown.


Fortune Cookie Factory

Arguably the fortune-cookie capital of the United States, San Francisco has produced fortune cookies for nearly a century. Ever since the cookie’s debut at the Japanese Tea Garden during the 1915 Panama Pacific World Exposition, people have followed the ritual of enjoying a fortune cookie as an after-Chinese-dinner-snack. But do you know where the cookies are made? You can stop by the Fortune Cookie Factory in Ross Alley to see them created firsthand.

The Fortune Cookie Factory has served San Francisco locals and visitors for more than 50 years. Although not the typical “factory” you picture in your head, this hole-in-the-wall establishment makes cookies on a circular press, 4-inches in diameter. The cookies come hot off the line and ready for folding.

And if you’re one of the lucky travelers to show up at just the right time, the workers may let you try a cookie hot off the press.

Ross Alley

You can smell it, bend it, and even fold your own message inside the cookie. Or you can take some Orange Sky Adventures advice and eat the snack immediately.

We guarantee there is no fresher taste, fortune-cookie-wise speaking.

Fortune Cookie Factory Worker

The Fortune Cookie Factory is an original attraction of San Francisco. And although it’s an entertaining site, remember it’s also a place of business. Tossing $3 for a bag of fortune cookies is nothing in comparison to the experience you’ll enjoy. Ross Alley and the factory are sometimes intimidating to find, but it’s worth the effort. Stop by for a bite of the action.

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Thank you fortune cookie

How Can I Find the Fortune Cookie Factory?

  • The Fortune Cookie Factory is located along Ross Alley, one of Chinatown’s most famous backstreets. Keep your eyes peeled for other travelers and you can find the tiny factory.
  • Use public transportation routes 1, 9x, 20, 30, 41, 45 and all cable cars to reach the Fortune Cookie Factory. Because it’s located in a back alley, some walking will be involved.
  • To reach the Fortune Cookie Factory from Union Square you should walk. You can see other landmarks, browse the shops of Grant Ave. or try some authentic Chinatown cuisine along the way.

Fortune Cookie Factory Entrance

Orange Sky Co. says:

Orange Sky SF Logo

The Fortune Cookie Factory is open only during daytime hours. You can walk down Ross Alley to find a tiny sign which labels the place. If you look in a doorway and see workers folding fresh circular cookies, you’ve found the place. Throw them a tip and you can snap as many photos as you want.

Location of the Fortune Cookie Factory